Nigeria developed an ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to achieve the Paris agreement, encompassing five sectors, including: agriculture, power, oil and gas, transport and industry. To fully achieve the conditional targets of the NDC, Nigeria will require substantial finance from national and international resources, from both the private sector and international development institutions. Nigeria has already developed some innovative tools for climate finance, but will require additional resources, instruments and solutions to drive investment toward low-carbon, climate resilient development, as envisioned in its NDC and the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, currently being updated to the 2021 to 2023 timeframe.
To mobilize support for implementing its NDC, Nigeria joined the NDC Partnership in November, 2017. In May 2019, the NDC Partnership conducted a scoping mission to Nigeria to elaborate Government needs for NDC implementation and coordinate with partners on their respective support that contributes to NDC and national climate change targets. During this scoping mission, the need for technical assistance to mobilize resources and climate finance for low-carbon, climate resilient projects was highlighted. This TA would build on Nigeria’s progress already made in developing green bonds, engaging the private sector and developing climate finance strategies
for NDC implementation.
With support from the British High Commission and the United Kingdom’s Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, the NDC Partnership will provide a climate finance advisor to the Government of Nigeria to: develop a resource mobilization strategy and climate focused public investment plan and identify and remove barriers for private sector investment toward climate projects that contribute to the NDC. The exact scope and day to day responsibilities of the advisor will be managed directly by the Government of Nigeria. The advisor will report and share progress of work achievements with the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning (FMFBNP), the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv), Department of Climate Change (DCC), the NDC Partnership, and the British High Commission in Abuja.
The Climate Finance Advisor will be embedded in the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, while also working collaboratively with the Director of the FMEnv-DCC on a day to day basis. The Advisor may also draw on international expertise, as needed, for key activities to be determined through consultation with both Ministries.
The responsibilities of the Advisor will include activities that are targeted for both Ministries specifically, and cross-cutting.
Under the Federal Ministry of Environment – Department of Climate Change:
1. Support the FMEnv-DCC to strengthen the capacity and institutional arrangement of the Department of Climate Change’s Climate Finance Unit
2. Enhance existing work on the issuance, underwriting and reporting standards of green bonds and other financial instruments with the Green Bond Secretariat (supported by the World Bank)
3. Support the development of a climate finance needs assessment and corresponding
climate finance strategy
4. Support capacity building needs for national experts in salient aspects of climate finance and design and conduct appropriate on-the-job training and coaching
5. Develop “National Protocol for the Issuance of a No-Objection Letter for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Projects by the NDA”, and for other related funds
6. Support national efforts towards accreditation of National Designated Entities for the
Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund and in all other preparatory phases.
7. Support the National delegations to climate change negotiations through preparatory
meetings and capacity strengthening on thematic negotiating issues
Under the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning:
8. Work across line ministries to identify and develop climate financing initiatives, including low-carbon, climate resilient projects that can be readied for finance.
9. Identify and develop solutions to create enabling environments for investment in key
sectors, including agriculture, power, transport, oil and gas, water, waste and industry.
10. Strengthen existing, and formulate new de-risking mechanisms and instruments to support investments in green projects
11. Support mainstreaming of the NDC and related climate projects in the Medium-Term
Expenditure Framework and National Budget.
Cross-cutting activities between FMEnv and FMFBNP:
12. Solicit input from the line Ministries and other expertise from agencies within the
Government and private sector to develop a pipeline green projects, conduct initial due
diligence of project proposals and assessment of bankability, prepare Project Idea Notes
(PINs), identify potential sources of finance including climate finance or blended finance
windows and support the development of suitable funding proposals and proposals to
access project preparation facilities.
13. Undertake an appraisal and support the Government of Nigeria to coordinate and leverage participation in the Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) program, hosted by the UK Government.
14. Provide support in proposal development and manage opportunities through
dialogues with development partners and ensure efficient coordination of climate
finance support from various sources
15. Develop a multi-institutional climate finance mechanism, which could be a Climate
Finance Advisory Committee that includes the Office of the Accountant General, the Debt
Management Office, the FMFBNP, the FMEnv, the Central Bank of Nigeria and other
public and domestic finance stakeholders.
• Excellent writing, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills across a range of stakeholders, including senior financial institution or governmental leadership.
• Ability to develop project proposals, including financial strategies for capital improvement projects.
• Proven ability to network and develop partnerships across a range of stakeholders
and track record of managing complex multi-stakeholder strategies and plans.
• Strong understanding of global environment and development issues that influence
resource allocation by governments and development organizations.
• Demonstrated experience in relationship management with senior leaders and
high-level audiences.
• Advanced degree and experience in climate change, economics, finance, natural
resources, livelihoods and/or environment.
• Ten+ years professional experience in public and private sectors, ideally related to
infrastructure or project finance or blended financing in development institutions, equity and impact funds, other financial institutions, and advisory firms.
• Three+ years of substantial experience in business development, capital raising, and/or
developing public-private partnerships with a successful track record in climate finance
related activities across multiple contexts in a multi-cultural environment.
• Experience working with government stakeholders in national and/or regional policy
development and implementation in climate change activities.
• Experience across multiple global contexts, and an understanding of international policy debates and challenges in climate finance and economics.
Duration of Engagement:
This is a full-time position (40 hours/week) for up to three years. The position will be based in Abuja, Nigeria. The expert will report directly to FMFBNP and the Federal Ministry of Environment, Department of Climate Change.
Proposal Submission:
Candidates must submit:
• Their curriculum vitae (CV);
• A cover letter of no more than one page in English, including daily rate.
Please send application materials, electronically, using the subject line: NDC Partnership
Nigeria Climate Finance Advisor. The CV and cover letter should be sent by 29 May (5pm EST), 2020 to: