Recyclable Yet Unsustainable?

Webinar to unlock the Complexity of Sustainable Packaging

Sometimes, recyclability doesn’t automatically correspond to sustainability.  This means that packaging designers may focus on recyclable products that leads to unintentional, negative environmental impacts, or it simply shifts burdens.

Globally, current legislative and regulatory landscape is still one-dimensional to drive the packaging industry to a sustainable transformation and may in fact exacerbate existing problems or shift burdens.

It is against this backdrop that we invite you to join our webinar to gain a deeper understanding about the complexity of sustainable packaging and how to approach it holistically.

With practical examples and illustrations, we want to demonstrate how focusing on recyclability alone can increase climate change overall and could produce other negative impacts at a scale that is at least as bad as plastic pollution in the ocean.

Why join the webinar:

  • Get a quick overview of recent legislative changes and large-scale industry trends
  • Assess their risks and opportunities
  • Hear expert opinions as to what these trends will mean in the future
  • Understand the scale of impact that individual decisions about packaging can make
  • Get a sneak peek into the new features of the GaBi Packaging Calculator v2.0

Time: 3 pm CEST (9 am EST, 1pm GMT)

Date: 17 July 2019

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thinkstep AG
Flora D’Souza
Senior Consultant

Sophie Kieselbach

thinkstep AG
Sophie Kieselbach
Senior Consultant

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